Coleus Plant Care Indoors
Coleus plant care indoors
Coleus plants love bright light, though it's best to avoid direct midday sunlight, which can scorch the delicate leaves. Your best bet is to find a windowsill or other spot in your home that gets direct sunlight in the morning and bright, filtered like in the afternoon.
How long will coleus live indoors?
The average lifespan of a coleus plant is one year. It's not uncommon for indoor plants to live between 3-4 years if they are properly cared for, which means proper watering, sunlight, the right soil, and the right plant food to keep it green, and healthy.
Can I bring my coleus plant inside for the winter?
Coleus is very frost-sensitive, so bring the plants inside if cold nights threaten. By mid-May, the plants should be ready for your garden or containers. Cuttings may also be taken from a large, healthy plant in late spring.
How do you keep coleus alive in the winter?
Given adequate light, coleus overwinters easily indoors. Dig up healthy plants in the fall, just before cold weather hits. Make sure you get as much of the root system as possible. Pot your plants in suitable containers with well-draining soil and water them thoroughly.
Should I let my indoor coleus Flower?
Pinch just above a set of leaves or branching junction for the best appearance; don't leave a stub. Some gardeners leave the small flowers, but it's best to pinch them off to direct more energy into stem and foliage growth. Coleus left to flower may lose vigor as the plant puts energy into seed production.
How often should I water my coleus indoors?
On hot days, water your coleus every day…if not twice! For indoor plants, water every 2-3 days when it is hot. Overall, keep the plant hydrated but never leave it in soggy soil.
Do coleus do better in pots or in the ground?
Coleus can grow well in pots or the ground, making them a versatile addition to an outdoor space. The colorful foliage of Coleus will brighten up a patio, porch, or balcony. When grown in a container, the plant can easily be moved to a spot in need of color or an area that provides more favorable conditions.
Can coleus come back every year?
Hardy in USDA zones 10-11, coleus is a tender perennial but is most often grown as an annual. Since coleus are sensitive to cooler temperatures, they will only come back the following year in the warmest regions.
Can coleus grow in water indoors?
Coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides) Still, coleus plants are easy to propagate and grow in water, allowing you to create a colony of handsome coleus houseplants.
How cold is too cold for coleus?
So, what's the lowest temp for coleus plant livability? Cold nights in the 40-degree Fahrenheit range can damage the coleus. This is true even if there is no frost. Generally speaking, coleus plants are too tender to survive temperatures at the literal freezing point, which is, of course, 32 degrees.
Should you cut back coleus?
Around midsummer, coleus should be pruned regardless of whether it will be allowed to flower. If it's not maintained, it could overgrow and branches can snap from their weight.
Should I cut back my coleus for winter?
There are a couple of methods you can try to overwinter a coleus. As your coleus gets larger later in the summer, pinch off longer portions of the stem for cuttings, leaving two leaves at the base for continued growth. Plants can be pinched back up to a third of the plant height.
Do coleus need big pots?
As a minimum, you'll want a pot that's eight inches wide and deep for a single plant. If you want to plant more than one, or add some colorful annual flowers, then consider a large planter. Make sure your container has draining holes on the bottom. You can learn more about how to grow coleus in containers in our guide.
How do you prune indoor coleus?
Go in here and pinch off the stem right at the base here of a branch. You can do this with your
How do you tell if a coleus is overwatered?
The easiest way to determine when Coleus needs water is to check the soil. If the top 1 inch of the soil is dry, then the plant needs water. The leaves of the Coleus will droop or wilt if the plant becomes too dry. If you notice the tips of the leaves turning yellow, then the plant is overwatered.
What do you do with potted coleus in winter?
So let me show you guys how I prepare my coleus for the winter overwintering coleus is very simple
Does coleus need misting?
Misting the leaves frequently is an ideal way to increase humidity around your Coleus and to keep the leaves looking wonderfully clean. That said, humidity in general is not often a big concern when it comes to these houseplants, so if you're not a "mister" don't fret about it.
Can I leave coleus outside in winter?
Coleus can tolerate a few brief cold-weather episodes. But it will recoil – and possibly die – when confronted with consistently cool temperatures, which means temps that linger in the 50s. Play it safe by bringing your coleus plant indoors before the temperature falls below 60 degrees Fahrenheit outside.
How do I keep my coleus from getting leggy?
You can prune a Coleus to maintain a specific look or shape. Trimming back new growth will prevent the stems from growing long and encourage the plant to push out leaves in other areas. Pruning will maintain a bushy look and create dense foliage.
How do you make coleus bushy?
It's easy: you just need to pinch them. It may seem counterproductive to cut back a plant that you want more of, but pinching many annual and tender perennial plants—like coleus—encourages branching and full, bushy growth.
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